Niké Wentholt

This project has been redesigned by and is now led by postdoc researcher Niké Wentholt, building on the work done by former team member Marrit Woudwijk.

In July 1995, the Bosnian-Serb army committed a genocide on the Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) community in Srebrenica, arguably part of a wider genocidal campaign targeted at the whole Bosniak population of Bosnia. In Srebrenica, Dutch troops were present as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission.

Relatives of the killed have since tried and succeeded in holding the Dutch state and military accountable. Three major court cases by Hasan Nuhanović, the family Mustafić, and the Mothers of Srebrenica against the Dutch state have challenged the Dutch official narrative. This research project departs from these legal processes to ask bigger questions about legal mobilisation, justice, and recognition. How did the court cases contribute to or interfere with the process of reparations for the genocide? How did it confront the Dutch state and society with questions of political responsibility? How does the compensation enforced by the court for individual claimants and sharply delineated groups relate to the experienced collective nature of the harm?

Niké currently co-authors a paper on the court cases’ impact on reparation together with educational expert Alma Mustafić. In the chapter we also make a case for non-legal alternative approaches to seek justice and recognition. Niké takes part in an expert group led by Alma that explores the possibilities for more sustained engagement with the shared history of the Srebrenica genocide in Dutch art and education.”

For more information about the associated project ‘Back with a Mission’, see: